Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2021
Kamis, 28 Oktober 2021
Rabu, 27 Oktober 2021
A Boy with A Little Dream
This was about a boy named Ayo. The boy was born in a small village on the border of
three regencies, Brebes, Banyumas, and Cilacap. In his childhood he did not
have high dreams like his friends. Only the figure of a teacher he admired.
Teachers who can make him read, write, sing, make crafts to teachers who can
make him happy and also afraid if he didn’t do his homework. He didn't expect
much from a simple life in the village except to be able to continue his
education in junior high school because his three sisters only studied in
elementary school and ended up getting married early. Likewise, almost all his
friends have enough getting their education in an elementary school to prepare
for the next life.
His hope to continue his education was almost dashed
because he had to face reality that it was not that easy to make sure his
parents about pursuing his higher education. Luckily a teacher had saved him
and managed to persuade his father so that the boy could continue his
The period of education in junior high school went on
with difficulty but finally ended and managed to hold the high school diploma
that was so dreamed of. The encouragement from his sisters who did not go to
school was very meaningful as well as financial support from one of his older sisters
who had a small business in the village.
It became a very extraordinary thing and everything happened unexpectedly when the boy got support from several relatives to continue his education in high school. It was no problem for him to attend the only school in the sub-district town of Gumelar. The only high school that exists and is just starting out with small numbers of students and poor facilities. For him, being able to go to high school had become something to be very grateful for because not all of his friends can continue their education to high school. He finally enrolled to SMA PGRI Gumelar the only school in town.
However, something
happened until one day the boy had to decide not to continue to the high school.
His parents and relatives did not understand what he was thinking. His passion
to study in high school suddenly subsided and took another decision. On the
first day of school, the boy did not go to school to continue his dream. He
decided to change his direction of dream by going to the big city, Jakarta to
try his luck and intended to find work. He thought it would be the best way to grab
his future. The decision was taken after he received interesting information
from a relative and made him change his mind and make a crazy decision.
Unluckily, it can be
said that his departure was not the best decision so that after approximately
three months in Jakarta, the boy who graduated from junior high school had to
return to his village to feel guilty and ashamed of his parents and siblings
because it turned out that the promised job did not come true.
A few months
unemployed at home, reflecting on his regrets and the boy intended to return to
the city for a second try. It was luckier this time because the jobs offered
actually existed. A few months working in a kind of shampoo factory, the boy
still felt how his job was not what he dreamed of. He realized that school was
the best he had to go through in his teenage years. “I have to go back to
school. I want to wear a gray and white uniform.' Until one day a letter came
from his father, asking him to go home and return to the school he had enrolled
in before. Apparently God heard the prayer of a child who was stranded in the
world of work that was not yet time. His desire to go to school never stopped.
The decision to work was just an emotional decision that he had turned out to
be the wrong one.
There’s nothing to
be regretted in this life. There is still a chance to arrange his dream. Walking
miles to go to school with sweat on the forehead and staggered feet to be able
to achieve his high school. He finally achieved a high school graduate with all
of his struggles.
Finally, the boy was
then walking gallantly towards a small town, Purwokerto with a high school certificate
in his hand. His parents, who had realized how much their only son needed an
education, sent him to a course for the next provision. A course institution
called Gamacom became his choice. For a year he struggled with new things by
studying office administration. He obtained various course certificates such as
computer, accounting, English, typing and certificates of expertise in other
office administration fields.
Armed with a course
certificate that he obtained for one year, the boy began to explore himself to
try his luck working in the city. Departing from several supermarkets, then
stranded in a photo studio which made it a pretty promising job at that time.
Approximately three years the boy struggled with the world of administration in
the photo business.
On October 10, 1997,
the boy bravely married a girl he loved at the age of 24. He thought he had already
earned and decided to have a family. Unfortunately, no one thought that the
1998 incident shook all aspects of life, including his family. It had to be
crushed by the beating of the country's economy which was also chaotic at that
time. The wife he loves only got the first three months of salary from her
husband's job because after that she has to be laid off from her workplace.
Photo studio companies were forced to fall out of business because of the crazy
monetary crisis.
The worsening
economic condition of the country worsened the condition of the boy's family
until the child of the marriage was born. Many kinds of work had been done to
survive. Several times the boy worked as a salesperson in a company and also a
salesperson of selling snacks. Uncertain income coupled with increasing needs
made him no longer strong enough to support the household economy until he
finally decided to try his luck to become a migrant worker in neighboring
Malaysia. But God did not allow it because the health conditions did not meet
the requirements.
The wife, who felt
that she had good English skills at that time, tried propose to register to
become a women worker in Taiwan. With compulsion and agreement from all families,
the wife finally flew to Taiwan to help her husband, who at that time was very
difficult to find work even though he was just for a shop assistant. High
school diplomas and courses that are very proud of as if they have nothing
The obstacles of
life seemed unstoppable but the little family had a strong belief that all them
would surely end. The husband, who was in the small town of Purwokerto, still
continued to peddle the product of a snack manufacturer with his old motorbike.
He travelled around the town to the outskirts of town knocking on small shops
to offer his luggage that hangs on the back of his motorbike. His sweat was always
pouring out between the heat of the city of Purwokerto. The only hope was being
able to go home bringing a little profit to be able to buy the baby's milk.
Luckily, his wife
who was in another country got the kindness of her employer. Many things were
learned while in Taiwan, from learning life, struggle, and learning the
language. This made her keep the spirit to fight for the little baby who was
left with his husband and parent in-laws.
Until one day when
the wheel of life continues to spin and that's when God has given incomparable
goodness. The village boy tried to get up his courage to continue his studies
at a private university in Purwokerto. There was a kind of subtle whisper that
he should major in English Teacher Education. A ray of bright light began to
reveal the dark veil that will save his little family. While studying the
village boy got a better job, by becoming an English tutor at a course
The period of
education at the university finally ended with all the struggles. The boy got a
job as a teacher at a public high school on the outskirts of Purwokerto as an
honorary teacher. Armed with a bachelor's degree in English Education, the
village boy who was once abandoned has now turned into a teacher who is
certainly very proud of his family. Moreover, his three older siblings only
graduated from elementary school and did not think that his younger brother
could become a teacher. The teacher, who in the village used to be, was a
figure who was greatly admired by all the villagers including himself because
of his very noble and respected profession. Teachers are able to be an example
in society in any field other than their work at school.
Now, the village boy
has become a teacher at a well-known private school in the small town of
Purwokerto. A school with SPK status called Puhua School which implements a
national curriculum as well as a foreign curriculum that offers the best
education for the people of Purwokerto and its surroundings. In his age now he
was determined to continue devoting himself to become a teacher. The teacher
figure he once admired when he was still in the village. It’s not that easy to
change his life but he said that it is never too late for him to continue
learning and improving himself. In his resolve, 'I must always be a true
learner and be of benefit to others. It's never too late to keep learning and
doing good."
Senin, 18 Oktober 2021
Untuk mengawali refleksi ini saya sedikit akan mengutip kata-kata bijak dari George Bernard Shaw bahwa "Kemajuan tidak mungkin dicapai tanpa perubahan, dan mereka yang tidak dapat berubah pikiran tidak dapat mengubah apa pun." Demikian kalimat bijak ini cukup menarik dan saya mencoba untuk dapat mencermati makna kalimat tersebut bahwa kunci sebuah perubahan terjadi pada pikiran kita. Maka untuk memulai sebuah perubahan untuk sebuah tujuan kemajuan pada bidang apapun akan dibutuhkan perubahan pada pikiran kita.
Dalam perjalanannya, Puhua School yang sedang menapak pada sebuah perubahan dari sekolah nasional menjadi sekolah SPK, telah mengalami banyak sekali perubahan baik perubahan fisik sarana prasarana maupun kurikulum dan juga sumber daya manusianya. Hal ini saya rasakan dari sejak masa persiapan hingga pelaksanaan proses kegiatan pembelajaran pada quarter 1 tahun pelajaran 2021-2022 ini.
Beberapa perubahan yang paling dirasakan saya sebagai guru adalah bahwa khususnya dalam melaksanakan tugas pokoknya sebagai guru yaitu mendidik dan mengajar, kali ini terasa sekali bahwa saya selalu memikirkan untuk membuat pembelajaran menjadi diminati dan disukai siswa. Hal ini artinya saya banyak menghabiskan waktu untuk mencari metode yang tepat dan menggunakan beragam aktivitas yang memancing siswa untuk aktif belajar. Banyak tantangan buat saya baik sebagai guru jaman sekarang pada umumnya maupun tantangan sebagai guru di sekolah ini yang merupakan sekolah yang berkomitmen memberi pelayanan yang terbaik, berbeda, dan memiliki tujuan sesuai Visi dan Misi sekolah.
Selain itu, sebagai guru saya merasa telah banyak perubahan yang saya alami yaitu menjadi seseorang yang selalu ingin tahu tentang perkembangan teknologi khususnya teknologi yang membantu dalam proses pembelajaran dan pendidikan. Di sini saya selalu mencari tahu dan berusaha mengulik aplikasi yang sesuai untuk pembelajaran, baik untuk menyiapkan materi maupun untuk icebreaking. Aplikasi yang sudah saya pelajari dan terapkan diantaranya adalah: Wordwall, Nearpod, Quizezz, Mentimeter,, Blooket, Padlet, flipgrid, Kaizena (for feedback), Canva, KineMaster, Animaker, Spark adobe, dan Video Pad. Masih banyak lagi aplikasi yang belum saya pelajari dan explor lebih dalam. Dengan berbekal aplikasi yang dikuasai tersebut, saya merasa sangat terbantu untuk membuat variasi kelas dalm pembelajaran.
Perubahan status sekolah dari sekolah nasional menjadi SPK juga banyak berdampak bagi proses pembelajaran secara menyeluruh. Saya merasakan bahwa proses pembelajaran sekarang sangat berbeda dengan dulu. Perubahan yang saya rasakan dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas yaitu siswa selalu diajak untuk aktif membaca 10 menit pada period pertama dan membuat refleksi pada period terakhir. Hal ini merupakan usaha yang nyata untuk mengajak anak untuk terus membaca dan menulis.
Perubahan lain yang saya rasakan yaitu kita selalu ditantang untuk aktif dan kreatif serta innovative. Untuk itu sekolah selalu menawarkan berbagai lomba seperti menulis, membuat video pembelajaran dan lain-lain serta mengembangakan kemampuan pribadi maupun profesional yang mendukung pekerjaan dan karir. Beberapa kali mengikuti Seminar/Webinar untuk peningkatan kualitas guru telah diikuti dengan senang hati. Walaupun masih banyak even yang terlewat karena waktunya tidak sesuai. Selain pengembangan pribadi yang sering diikuti juga kita selalu dibiasakan untuk memberikan masukan, evaluasi, dan refleksi untuk setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan. Hal ini sangat bermanfaat bagi guru kareana kita selalu belajar berfikir kritis dan analitis.